
Travel blog of a year-long round the world trip.
Currently in London, UK.
(the first leg of my trip in a nutshell -- route as originally planned).

Mozzies, Buddhas etc... [06/11/03] 

Several days have yet again passed by and I have yet again used them to constructively lie in hammocks. I think I'm starting to prefer them to furniture like beds or sofas. Whenver I'll get back to civilisation I guess I'll have to drill a lot of holes in walls and attach hooks or something. However, bad thing about hammocks: my feet and legs are very itchy from mosquito bites jostling each other for space (no worries, no malaria here!)

Apart from counting mozzie bites (and taking pictures of the cathedral across the road - see picture :) I've been brushing up on my Spanish a little which will be put to the test for the next five days when I'll be going on the Rio Caura with two Spaniards. It should be fun and I'm very excited about the jungle and cruising down the river, Heart of Darkness style.
And on that note I may as well end with a literary quote from a short book I found in the hostel 'library':
"It is a good thing to experience everything oneself, he thought. As a child I learned that pleasures of the world and riches were not good. I have known it for a long time, but I have only just experienced it. Now I know it not only with my intellect, but with my eyes, with my heart, with my stomach. It is a good thing that I know this." (Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha - thoroughly recommended, Paolo Coelho eat your bleeding Alchemist's heart out!)

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