
Travel blog of a year-long round the world trip.
Currently in London, UK.
(the first leg of my trip in a nutshell -- route as originally planned).

Yankees suck? [29/09/03] 

My first post will also function as a showcase of the cheapskate digital camera I bought in New York. Yes, it's horrible quality, but it was tiny, cheap, cheerful and will enable me to post pictures online quite easily.
At any rate, the actual picture (click on thumbnail to enlarge) is of a New York Yankees game we went to (Friday) and which they happened to lose against the Baltimore Orioles (3-2). Very exciting stuff towards the end once the Yankees had to get off their asses when faced with the prospect of losing.
Apart from enjoying America's Favourite Pastime I'm having a great time here too. I think a certain something in me has fallen in love with New York City (the part that loves gritty, busy, and exciting cities, that is...).
And they have great entertainment here (endless numbers of bars, parks, crazy and beautiful streets to walk down, cheap, hidden away restaurants, baseball batting cages and Chinatown - what more can you say!). And the people here are oh-so-friendly and approachable - NYC's reputation for unfriendliness must either be unmerited or must mean that the rest of the US is a haven for saints and angels.
One of the annoying things here are the omnipresent cops (especially when eating Donuts around the UN Buildings when Dubya Bush happened to be inside for once trying to play nice with the GA - I still reckon I got racially profiled for my A-rab good looks when they ID'd me, searched my bag and asked where my guns where :).
I was going to stop this blog for now, but there's one more important message I need to pass on... There is hope for this country and for the world. The answer lies in a new president for the US and I've been suckered into believing a politician at a Democrat Primary Rally (or a 'protest march' as it was referred to by Police Captain whatshisname as he was trying to assert his authority - v. funny scene). So, if I have not been brainwashed completely and have not lost all my good judgment I urge everyone to tell their US-voting buddies to vote for Howard Dean for Pres (www.DeanForAmerica.com) if he ever makes it through the primaries (he's one of the frontrunners, so fingers crossed he'll get further). This guy used to be a Doctor in Vermont and is also now Governor, is for a better healthcare system, against unilateral wars, repealing all of Bush's tax cuts for the rich and a whole lot more. In short he seems like a guy with his heart in the right place (for a politician) and great intentions. And he seems to really inspire people, which is always good after having a monkey for Pres. Let's wait and see, and maybe tomorrow will be a better place for all (I'm such a hippie! ;).
Anyway, that'll be all for now (way too much, I'm sure), but I hope to keep the 3 or 4 readers of this blog posted in future (with shorter entries?!?). Also, please do give me feedback or greets as mail makes me happy.
Peace! :

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