
Travel blog of a year-long round the world trip.
Currently in London, UK.
(the first leg of my trip in a nutshell -- route as originally planned).

Hotel Cali? [20/10/03] 

I unfortunately have not any earthshattering news to report, but hope the pictures below will do. Still beached in the lovely Bay Area (like a whale enjoying the sunshine), I am possibly becoming a Californian...
The snaps to the left are of San Franciscoan Chinatown with SF's largest pyramid thing building looming in the background; the infamous, twisty Lombard Street - down which only tourists seem to be stupid and willing enough to drive while snapping away -- then again walking up there is no joy either; myself (to prove I'm still alive), chilling in the dark Muir Woods, surrounded by those amazing Redwood tree creature things (whose majestic and thoughtful lives are pretty much impossible to capture on camera or to adequately describe in words); and finally a beautiful vineyard in the Sonoma Valley, in California's 'wine country' -- however, I have to admit that even after a short wine tasting 'education', my taste buds seem still too uneducated to really tell the difference between hints of brambleberry, blueberry, cherry and whatever other flavours connoisseurs invent, excuse me, discover in wines.
Other entertainment in my life is the occasional comedy, political broadcast which keeps me amused (I'm sorry to be droning on about Arnie and Dubya, but these guys just don't get old - especially when they're both in the same room - belly laughs guaranteed!). It's such a shame though that one of them may be out of a job if the economy keeps plummeting and the Iraqis (and recipients of bodybags in the US) keep getting more pissed off until next year. We can all hope for the world not to improve... (God, I guess I am a sick bastard sometimes).

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