
Travel blog of a year-long round the world trip.
Currently in London, UK.
(the first leg of my trip in a nutshell -- route as originally planned).

This could be Rotterdam... [Buenos Aires, 06/02/04] 

Or anywhere, actually. Like Liverpool (ok, so not really!) or Rome. I'll put Paris and Madrid up there too for good measure. Yes, it was easy feeling at home in Buenos Aires. It only takes a tiny stretch of the imagination to turn BA into most European cities so South America seems further away to me than Tony Blair right now.
However, BA is possibly more beautiful than most European cities. Wide streets (including the world's widest with a good 20 or so lanes), a lot of public parks, tons of restaurants with the juiciest beef tastable by man and/or woman and cafés on every street corner. Nightlife here is happening and mostly happens at night - mostly... Going out before 2am is a little pointless unless your idea of fun is dancing by yourself outside a shut club.
So far so good. There is however, one thing that seems absolutely unique to me about here: Tango. People of all ages seem to be into it, tangoing the night away cheek to cheek, letting the music flow through them in stylish and atmospheric joints. And then there are the professionals - never have I seen any professional - actor, singer, dancer or otherwise - convey so much passion through singing and dancing. Acrobatics, drama, sex, passion and legs swinging everywhere, what more can you ask for in a dance?
So I guess it's not quite Rotterdam here, although I want to make clear that I'm in no way making a statement about the dancing ability of the Dutch.

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